Motorcycle Maintenance Tips
Not all motorcycle maintenance needs to take place in a professional's garage. Some basic motorcycle maintenance can be done by you! Simple preventative checks and tweaks can keep your motorcycle running like new. You may not be able to stop all issues, but you can prevent or minimize most of them. We rounded up easy motorcycle maintenance you can do below!
Your brakes control your speed so you can stay in control of your motorcycle. They keep you safe, but they must be well-maintained to do so. Before you hit the road, glance at your brake fluid levels. Top them off if they are low. Check your brake pads as well since they wear down as you use them. Eventually, you'll need to replace them. If you notice any squeaking, pulsating, and grinding, it's time for professional motorcycle maintenance.
Tires are pretty straightforward and only require two checks. First, is there enough tread? Tread helps your motorcycle maintain traction on the road. As you cruise around town, it gets worn down. Eventually, it'll need to be replaced. Your owner's manual will clue you in as to when you need new tires.
Second, is the tire pressure at the right level? Tires with too much inflation won't have proper contact with the road. When tires have too little inflation, it's hard for them to handle the forces pressing on them. Your owner's manual will guide you on what level you should shoot for. Use your tire pressure gauge in the morning (when the tires are cold) for the best reading.
Your fuel filter affects how your motorcycle rides. When it gets clogged, it'll suck up power from your vehicle. If you hear odd sounds or your engine struggles to start, it's time to replace the filter. It's also important to use the right fuel. If you don't ride often, opt for high-octane fuels. Ethanol-heavy fuels can transform into a corrosive mixture when they sit too long.
Chains, Shafts, and Belts
Your motorcycle relies on these to push power throughout the vehicle. Proper motorcycle maintenance requires keeping these lubricated and in good working order. Make sure that the belt is adjusted right. When it's too tight, it can strain the material. When it's too loose, the belt itself could become loose.
If you need help with motorcycle maintenance or repairs, be sure to contact the service department here at Bert's Barracuda Harley-Davidson® in Clearwater, FL. We proudly serve all those in Tampa and St. Petersburg.